Free Access
Volume 27, Number 6, July/August 1999
Page(s) 541 - 543
Section Original articles
Analusis 27, 541-543 (1999)
DOI: 10.1051/analusis:1999131

Fluorescent UV dye: A particularly well-suited tracer to determine residence time distributions of liquid phase in large industrial reactors

H. Muhr, J.P. Leclerc and R. David

LSGC-CNRS/ENSIC-INPL, 1 rue Grandville, BP. 451, 54001 Nancy Cedex, France

(Received March, 16, 1999; revised May 19, 1999; accepted June 1, 1999.)

Fluorescent tracers are tested to determine Residence Time Distributions of liquid phase in large industrial reactors. The 1-naphthalenesulfonic acid, which absorbs only in the UV area, is selected for aqueous liquid phase. It is a highly soluble, non-bleaching, easy to supply, inexpensive and non-toxic compound. It can be detected at very low concentrations by fluorescence spectrometry.

Key words: fluorescent UV dye / residence time distribution / tracer / industrial reactor.

© EDP Sciences, Wiley-VCH 1999