Free Access
Volume 26, Number 4, May 1998
Proche Infrarouge PIR
Pittcon 98
Page(s) 182 - 186
Section Original articles
Analusis 26, 182-186 (1998)
DOI: 10.1051/analusis:1998131

Construction and evaluation of a crystalline silver double-membrane tubular potentiometric detector for flow injection analysis. Application to chloride determination in wine

C.M.C.M. Couto, J.L.F.C. Lima and M.C.B.S.M. Montenegro

CEQUP, Departamento de Química-Física, Faculdade de Farmácia (UP), Rua Aníbal Cunha 164- 4050 Porto, Portugal

This paper describes the construction and assessment of the operating characteristics and analytical usefulness of a homogeneous crystalline silver double membrane tubular electrode with increased sensitivity. The constructed electrodes allowed Ag(I) determinations in the $3\ 10^{-5}{-}1\ 10^{-1}$ M range with a calibration slope of 114 mV dec-1 and with good reproducibility (0.6 mV). The development and application of a flow injection analysis system manifold for chloride determinations in wine samples, in a wide concentration range ( 10 - 800 mg L-1), with a titrant consumption of 90 $\mu$g determination-1 is also described. The results obtained from the analysis of 12 wine samples showed good agreement between the proposed method and the refer-ence one, accomplishing 90 - 200 samples h-1

Key words: Tubular electrode / increased sensitivity / chloride / wine / FIA.

© EDP Sciences, Wiley-VCH 1998