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This article has been cited by the following article(s):
An Overview of the Kjeldahl Method of Nitrogen Determination. Part I. Early History, Chemistry of the Procedure, and Titrimetric Finish
Purificación Sáez-Plaza, Tadeusz Michałowski, María José Navas, Agustín García Asuero and Sławomir Wybraniec Critical Reviews in Analytical Chemistry 43(4) 178 (2013)
An Overview of the Kjeldahl Method of Nitrogen Determination. Part II. Sample Preparation, Working Scale, Instrumental Finish, and Quality Control
Purificación Sáez-Plaza, María José Navas, Sławomir Wybraniec, Tadeusz Michałowski and Agustín García Asuero Critical Reviews in Analytical Chemistry 43(4) 224 (2013)