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Ebru Birlik Özkütük, Sibel Emir Diltemiz, Elif Özalp, Arzu Ersöz and Rıdvan Say Journal of Industrial and Engineering Chemistry 19(6) 1788 (2013)
A screen-printed, amperometric biosensor for the determination of organophosphorus pesticides in water samples
Chromatographic Analysis of the Environment, Third Edition
Roberta Curini, Sara Bogialli, Antonio Di Corcia and Manuela Nazzari Chromatographic Science Series, Chromatographic Analysis of the Environment, Third Edition 20055180 935 (2005)
Chromatographic Analysis of the Environment, Third Edition
Application of liquid chromatography with mass spectrometry combined with photodiode array detection and tandem mass spectrometry for monitoring pesticides in surface waters